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Conservation Law Enforcement: How-tos

Find important court cases

Official opinions of the Supreme Court are published in the U.S. reports. This database has all volumes in pdf. To find a case by title, go to the U.S. Supreme Court library:

highlighted link to the US Supreme Court Library

Click on advanced search. Change the dropdown to case name and enter your case:

shows case name drop down

For a case tried in a different court, you can search in the search bar at the top of any page. As you search, it will ask you what you want to search. Choose title:

image with Titls: highlighted

For information on a case, search any of the databases listed on the Best Bets page, or Google.

For more information, see How tos for legal research. Note that call numbers (e.g., REF KF127 .W48) refer to the Reference section on Athens campus.

Find journal articles

You can search for journal articles in O.W.L. or GALILEO. The videos below have some searching tips that might help you.


The search tips in the above video can apply to other library databases as well, especially the one about using strong words. 

Athens Campus Library: 706.355.5020 | Elbert County: 706.213.2116  | Walton County: 706.552.0922 
email: Library Webmaster

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