Contains skill-building courses, practice tests, exercises and ebooks. There is also a career resource with advice for creating a resume, cover letter, interviewing, and more.
Phone: 706.355.5020
Text: 706.621.5558
Annual reports contain valuable information about a company. Publicly traded companies are required to publish a yearly annual report to stockholders. Generally, these reports can be found on the company's website, under "Investor relations" or "Investors" or "About us."
Much information that you'd find in a print employer directories can be found in Business Source Complete, as well as on company web pages.
To access library resources at home, you must be authenticated as an Athens Technical College student. So you must log in using your ATC email and password, just like you log into your email or Blackboard.
Athens Campus Library: 706.355.5020 | Elbert County: 706.213.2116 | Walton County: 706.552.0922
email: Library Webmaster