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FSSE 1000: Evaluate information

All the information...

If you attended an in-person library orientation you know how much your librarians care about credible information. Rest assured that what you find through the library website has been chosen and vetted. But we can't evaluate the whole internet! Here are some videos, tools, & games that can help you evaluate what you find online.

How to evaluate web content with S.I.F.T.

6 things to know about AI

Games to sharpen your skills

Fakeout is a game developed by CIVIX, a Canadian organization dedicated to promoting information literacy. 

To play Fakeout, follow this link. Play all the way through and watch the videos in the middle.

Can you do better than your librarians?!

The News Literacy Project has a page with some cool quizzes and tips. How news-literate are you?

How up-to-date are you? Take the weekly New York Times news quiz to find out!

Fact checking sites

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email: Library Webmaster

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