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Services for: e-Campus Faculty


Just like there is a separate Blackboard for eCampus, there is also a different suite of library resources. There is an eCampus library page. If you'd like a list of databases available for eCampus, check out the pdf below.

Accessing eCampus GALILEO from home

If you are off-campus, use the eCampus GALILEO link and use the eCampus GALILEO password. This is also how your students will log in. 

The link is in the eCampus library page and also in eCampus Blackboard (which is where you will find the password as well). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the library.

Accessing eCampus GALILEO from ATC Campus

You can tell which GALILEO instance you are in by looking at the top left corner of your screen:

Athens Tech GALILEO   eCampus GALILEO

If you're on campus, you'll automatically be taken to ATC's GALILEO. To switch,

Log out::

Log out button top right corner of GALILEO

Scroll to the bottom and enter the eCampus GALILEO password. It should be in eCampus Blackboard or you can always ask a librarian.

Know  you password? Bottom of GALILEO screen

Athens Campus Library: 706.355.5020 | Elbert County: 706.213.2116  | Walton County: 706.552.0922 
email: Library Webmaster

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