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Research & citing guide

Defining plagiarism

The Athens Technical College code of Academic Honesty defines plagiarism as the submission for academic advancement the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of another that are not common knowledge, without appropriate attribution to that other person. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following acts when performed without appropriate attribution:

  • Directly quoting all or part of another person’s written or spoken words without quotation marks, as appropriate to the discipline;
  • Paraphrasing all or part of another person’s written or spoken words without notes or documentation within the body of the work;
  • Presenting an idea, theory, or formula originated by another person as the original work of the person submitting that work;
  • Repeating information, such as statistics or demographics, which is not common knowledge and which was originally compiled by another person;
  • Purchasing (or receiving in any other manner) a term paper or other assignment that is the work of another person and submitting that term paper or other assignment as the student’s own work.

Plagiarism graphic. Situations to watch: You used ideas from a source; you used a quote from a source or restated the idea in your own words.

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